Sunday, August 17, 2008

H's Musical Extravaganza

We attended the quay side, under the watchful eye of the 'delightful' Lydia at 8-15pm, and at 8-30 proceeded to the motor launch. It was here that I met 'Pauline of Wigan' - or to be more correct, bumped into Pauline of Wigan. The impact proved to be so explosive that we became companions for the evening.
Once ensconsced aboard the said launch we continued our journey along the waterways of Venice accompanied by a courier who gave - I think - a description and history of the area, but she spoke in a dialect of Italo/Inglese with a touch of Russian cossack, so I couldn't understand a word she said !! I don't think that I was on my own - Pauline of Wigan agreed !
Having traversed the Venetian waterways we disembarked and walked alomng the various bye-ways until we arrived at our destination. This proved to be the Ca Zen - a medieval pile in the Gothic style where we were supplied with liquid refreshment- the delightful Lydia ensured that I had my full whack !!
We were then ushered into a very capacious hall in which was a very grand piano.
The owner of the palazza, a member of the Zeno family, made us welcome and gave a little talk on family history ( bet he didn't know Robert Peel (Spence) !!!!
We were then treated to a most lovely concert performed by two sporanos and three tenors together with a pianist and a violinist.
Songs and music - mainly opera arias, but quite a few others - Volari, O Sole Mio to name a few.
The programme was excellent and afterwards the delightful Lydia ensured that I had another glass of wine and had a look round the house, then we made our way home.
A good time was had by all and Pauline of Wigan like Cinderella had to be in at midnight as she had an early call.
I rounded off the evening with a little drink with J,D and J and D outside on the deck
Marvellous !!


Rob said...

Hello Harold!
Sounds like you had a great evening. It's good to read about something refined and cultural instead of all this stuff about grub and gigolos.
Looking forward to further contributions of this calibre! Greetings from 'er indoors as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Harold - obviously the one with the eye (ear) for culture. I expect you looked the part too - did you wear one of the new shirts?
Much love, Carole

Anonymous said...

I kept doing very clever and smart comments and not being able to post them - I think I may have it sussed now.

Old new was 'I, too, can eat biscuits and Werthers' Originals in bed, and breakfast too - while watching the Olympics on TV. Have helped many British athletes to medals, but it's rather exhausting.' Weather is c*** here - so at least lawns etc. are all green. Am off to buy boot polish for my white skin for when you get back. Love to all - I raise my glass - or will this evening!