Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Life on Marquee Deck

There is a distinction on this deck - the Lord and Lady's accommodation and the area fro sunworshippers !! And almost never the twain shall meet !! Although there is a rumour that Lord C took a dip yesterday. He ventored amongst the seasoned sunbathers - the prunes as we call them. Some of the ladies ( and I have to say that this is mainly a female trait) lay in direct sunlight all day - turning regularly !. Some match their lipsticks to the colour of their bikinis !
Also served here is delicios ice cream - although Lord and Lady C probably have theirs served by the butler!
In the pool is where you sit and get all the ship's gossip - or urban myths. People compare their cruising experiences on this and other ships. Actually this is often very useful info
It is also the deck where Adam sita and watches the moon set and the sun rise - no he doesn't get up early to do that - he actually hasn't been to bed at that time !!

Today we are at sea and have just passed the island of Stromboli - which has an active volcano on it - we saw the gentle steam rising. Janet and I have just been to a cookery demonstration - so expect beef stroganoff next time you are invited to dinner there !!

Our phrase of the holiday has been ' How could you not like that' Said frequently as we watch the moonbeam from our favourite spot in the observatory.
A great holiday and we hope that we can do it all again

Julie and Dave

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