Friday, August 8, 2008

The Journey

Taxi to Manchester Airport was prompt and efficient, and we arrived with plenty of time in which to do some pre-flight shopping. Perfume for the girls, some books, and a Dail M*** for Dave C.
We checked in our colourful suitcases (3 gree, 1 silver, 1 pink, 1 yellow and 1 purple) and were given boarding cards - for some as yet unknown reason the Currans were in 'Premier' seat - which turned out to be identical to 'Non-Premier' seats but slightly nearer to any potential accident.
The flight was OK ecxcept for some turbulence and a rather curious selection of offerings on the overhead TV - given that the average age onboard must have been >60, we had Robin Hood, some obscure American teen comedy, and an episode of The Simpsons which, to Adam and Dave C's disgust, was cut off halfway through.
We landed at Rome and trekked the compulsory mile or so to the carousels, and waited... and waited... and waited... for over an hour! As we finally got our 7th bag on the trolley, Dave S announced in a loud voice ' Three cheers for the Rome baggae handlers' but he didn't get any takers!
During the wait Harold and Julie were deep in conversation with another weary fellow traveller 'Have you come from Manchester' asked Harold - 'No I'm from a place called St Annes' she replied! Turns out she lives on St Annes Rd East!
Anyway, we now had a 1 hour coach ride to the port and eventually got on board, found our cabins and met for a very late dinner in the restaurant - nearly midnight by now, all were very tired.
No time to explore, that will have to be done tomorrow.
Janet C

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